Loop Dreams

Loop Dreams

Thursday, August 23, 2012

August 19, Portsmouth, VA

August 19

We planned to start our journey after church today but the rain was pretty intense.  We decided to catch the ferry and go to a movie at the mall in Norfolk.  We enjoyed seeing Hope Springs.  A nice way to spend a rainy afternoon.

       Loop Dreams parked at the free dock at the North Landing next to the  Paddle Wheel Ferry.  

The first ferry service in America was established on the Elizabeth River between Portsmouth and Norfolk in 1636.  Portsmouth's nautical credentials are impressive. It is  the site of the nation's oldest shipyard and birthplace of  C. S. S. Virginia, which made history in the Civil War Battle of the Ironclads.  The ironclad Virginia was not a new ship but a conversion from the wooden frigate USS Merrimack.

War Memorial at Portsmouth

    German Beer garden in Portsmouth, VA indicating how far it is to travel to  Frankfort, Germany.  Portsmouth on the Intracoastal Waterway is at Mile Marker Zero.

At the Mall waiting to see the movie we shared a bacon ice cream sundae at Burger King. Not a winning combination.

1 comment:

  1. That sundae doesn't look anywhere near as good as the one at Little drug Co. in New Smyrna!!
